Where Stories Live...


Our mission for our Business Book clients, is to empower visionaries, coaches, thought leaders like you to transform your expertise into a captivating book that establishes two things: Your Authority, and Your Legacy.
As a business person, coach, restaurateur, chef or influencer, you recognise the power of a well-crafted narrative to elevate your brand.
Now? It's time to turn that vision into reality. ​​​
Global Influence:
Your signature book isn't just a local success story, it's a passport to Global recognition.
Craft a narrative that transcends borders,
resonating with audiences worldwide and expanding your influence across continents.
Media Spotlight:
Becoming a published author opens the door to media opportunities.
Imagine being featured in podcasts, interviews and expert panels, solidifying your position as a go-to authority in
your industry.
There's a reason that the word authority, comes from author.
Elevate your authority:
In today's crowded landscape, standing out is essential.
Remember Press is your dedicated partner in crafting your book that not only captures your unique voice, but also places you in a position of authority.
"Your signature book becomes a powerful tool to showcase your expertise, attract clients and leave an indelible mark in your field."
Why is our Business support so incredible?
With our unique approach that is totally focussed on you, our big business and publishing background is poised to shoot you into the success stratosphere.
With the VIP course, there's a fantastic book writing and coaching course that will absolutely set you up on the path to creativity and a book you didn't think possible.
So much access to the best mentors, editors, and well-being and health coaches in the industry, and the live webinars will blow your mind with the insights and wisdom. From all aspects of the writing journey - from the first words you get down, to the final marketing to position you as the leader you deserve.
And the driver of the whole program? Unlike most writers and editors, I had a very big and successful business career - 10 popular restaurants, first factory outlet in Tasmania and the biggest circulation newspaper.
Consulting, coaching, training teams, my business and writing careers overlapped wonderfully. In the best way possible.
So now I'm uniquely placed to understand, and support our business clients who see the benefits of becoming that authority that every business owner dreams of.
And my experience in the publishing industry make me the best person to make sure our process of printing and publishing is the best.
My legacy? A publishing revolution.
And we focus on creating that fantastic, supportive, interconnected community possible.
Do you really want to be stuck at the same starting point a year from now?
Then get moving. Look forward. Not back. Life is too short.
Untold Stories

What's the deal with the Premium Level? INCREDIBLE! You get:​
The Remember Press Book Writing Coaching Course, with 6 big, fantastic Workbooks, and fully instructive videos to match, valued at $895!!
QR Code to your e-book copy to share with the world or just friends and family (Save $95)
Monthly LIVE Creative Spark Sessions to keep you moving and on track to success! Save hundreds and access the best! (Normally $399)
A completely free initial personal consult with your choice of mentor to help set you up in the best way possible (Normally $250)
The RP Book Building Template & Guide PLUS Writing Guides and Template Guide and videos to begin AND Bi-monthly newsletters to answer your questions and solve your roadblocks
Access to our raft of extras - mentors, editors, illustrators, marketing and format experts, all at incredible value - just 399 usd for six months' membership
Click below to enjoy the incredible deal we're offering NOW.​​ YOU SAVE over $1,000usd straight off​​​​!
Can't wait to write?

And if you need the editor in chief? Chris is here: